package design for Hungarian spice paprika

The ground spice paprika is a Hungarian speciality, a basic ingredient of the Hungarian cuisine and it is to find in a lot of traditional dishes just like gulyás soup, to name the most famous one.
The history and origin makes Hungarian paprika special. It goes back to the 15th century, when paprika was only to find in Spain and Hungary in Europe. Hungary was the first country where it was grounded and used in a powdered form. It transformed the whole cuisine and helped gulyás soup become the traditional dish of the country.
As for the package design I wanted to stick to that speciality: the origins. I researched the folklore traditions of the oldest paprika growing regions in Hungary: Szeged, Kalocsa and Szentes. Based the characteristic forms in the visual folklore culture, I created a logotype, a sign and a set of patterns. The different patterns on the packaging implement the type of the paprika: ground, flakes or whole.