logo design

Charter-Kongress is a nine-day online congress on chartering, yachting and sailing. Targeting an audience of professional- and holiday-sailors, captains and travellers, it offers inspiration and know-how through in-depth reviews and expert-interviews. Reports on sailing regions from all over the world, practical information on what to pack and everything one needs to keep in mind when chartering a yacht are amongst the discussed topics. The organiser and host of the congress, an experienced sailor and charterer makes sure of the personal and approachable atmosphere of the event.
The logo depicts a safe water mark, a buoy indicating open, deep and safe water ahead or the safe route through a narrow or shallow area. It is ones guide on the water—just as the congress is ones guide in the matters on chartering and sailing.
The buoy is easily recognisable of it’s vertical lines. In the logo it appears in gold on a deep blue background, elevating it into the elegant and luxurious world of yachts and sailboats and recalling at the same time the long history and grand tradition of sailing. The clean-cut yet characteristic serif font rounds up the logo, leading in to the present day.